On October 16, John interviewed Wayne State University President M. Roy Wilson about the state of the University. Watch the full video here.
Author: johncorvino
Upcoming talks
John’s upcoming talks include a public philosophy lecture at the University of Iowa and a dialogue with Matthew Lee Anderson at Wheaton College. Check out the full calendar here.
Beckwith review of DRLD
At the Cleveland State Law Review, Prof. Francis Beckwith reviews Debating Religious Liberty and Discrimination. From the review: Corvino, Girgis, and Anderson are wonderfully engaging thinkers, writing with clarity, intelligence, and verve. But, best of all, they provide a superb model on how the rest of us mere mortals ought to engage in public debate… Continue reading Beckwith review of DRLD
New faculty bring depth and diversity to Honors
Among John’s proudest achievements this year was hiring three outstanding new faculty to teach the first-year sequence in the Irvin D. Reid Honors College. Read about them here.
Busy deaning
If I’m not posting as much these days, it’s because I’m busy being dean of the Irvin D. Reid Honors College. Deaning is fun.
John gifts $50k for 50th Birthday
John marked his fiftieth birthday with a major gift to Wayne State University, where he has taught for 21 years. “Wayne State has been very good to me,” he said. “I’m grateful for this opportunity to pay it forward.” Read about it, and watch the video, here.
Ethics of Public Discourse
John hamming it up with philosophers at the Ethics of Public Discourse conference at Bowling Green State University, where he gave a talk on “Mill’s Limits.”
John wins APA Op-Ed Prize
The American Philosophical Association has announced that John’s New York Times Op-Ed, “Drawing a Line in the ‘Gay Wedding Cake’ Case,” is one of four winners of the 2018 APA Public Philosophy Op-Ed Contest. The prize honors “standout pieces that successfully blend philosophical argumentation with an op-ed writing style.” Read the full APA announcement here.
Fifth Annual Court/Clergy Conference
On October 11, John joined Prof. Robin Fretwell Wilson and moderator Dr. John Jackson, the President of William Jessup University, at the Fifth Annual Court/Clergy Conference in Sacramento, for a panel on “Building Bridges in Polarizing Times.” The Conference brought together people from across the political spectrum to discuss religious liberty and related issues.
New Video Series!
John has just released his new “Better Argument” series on YouTube, a baker’s dozen of very short videos on identifying fallacies and promoting more productive dialogue. The project was filmed at Wayne State University by James Wright and Mayabeth Jagosz and supported by a grant from the American Philosophical Association. This is a pilot series;… Continue reading New Video Series!