First published in Between the Lines on May 3, 2007 This past weekend I attended a big Italian wedding in New York. I grew up on Long Island, in a family where big Italian weddings are a staple. This one had all the usual trappings: loud music, louder relatives, tons of food. This one, however,… Continue reading A Big (Gay) Italian Wedding
Tag: family and relationships
A Tragic Lie in Michigan
First published in Between the Lines on February 8, 2007 It was a classic bait-and-switch. When gay-rights opponents sought to amend Michigan’s constitution to prohibit, not only same-sex marriage, but also “similar union[s] for any purpose,” they told us that the amendment was not about taking away employment benefits. They told us that in their… Continue reading A Tragic Lie in Michigan
Gay Parenting and Double Standards
First published in Between the Lines, January 25, 2007 I don’t have children, don’t plan to have children, and don’t particularly want children. If I were to adopt children, my main criterion would be that they be old enough to operate the vacuum and do some light dusting. So same-sex parenting is not an issue… Continue reading Gay Parenting and Double Standards
Mary Cheney—Unfit Parent?
First published in Between the Lines on December 14, 2006 Mary Cheney is pregnant. Wish her well. That’s what good folks do when presented with an expectant mother. Behind the scenes they may say or think whatever they like, but publicly they wish the mother-to-be well. Which puts right-wingers in a bit of a bind.… Continue reading Mary Cheney—Unfit Parent?
Grandma Rose’s Family Values
First published in Between the Lines, May 4, 2006 My Grandma Rose stood at just under 5 feet–in recent years, even less than that, as osteoporosis took its toll on her small frame. But she will always be a towering figure in my mind. She was born on May 8, 1921, in the town of… Continue reading Grandma Rose’s Family Values
Battling for Our Children
First published in Between the Lines, March 9, 2006 Question: What’s worse than a dozen or so states contemplating gay marriage bans during an election year? Answer: A dozen or so states contemplating gay adoption bans during an election year. Welcome to 2006. At least sixteen states are considering laws or ballot initiatives restricting the… Continue reading Battling for Our Children
Open Relationships and Double Standards
First published in Between the Lines on February 9, 2006 As I embark upon a week’s worth of same-sex marriage debates with Glenn Stanton of Focus on the Family, I am bracing myself for his arguments. (There’s a useful summary of his position here.) In every debate we’ve had, Stanton has brought up Jonathan Yarbrough… Continue reading Open Relationships and Double Standards
It Was a Good Bad Year
First published January 6, 2005, in Between the Lines. New Year’s is a time for looking at where we’ve been and where we’re going. It’s a time for resolutions, such as “I resolve not to eat so much and spend so much during next year’s holiday season.” (Yeah, sure.) As a college professor, I tend… Continue reading It Was a Good Bad Year
Similar Unions
First published in “Between the lines” in December of 2004. On December 17 my current state of residence (Michigan) will amend its constitution to declare that “the union of one man and one woman in marriage shall be the only agreement recognized as a marriage or similar union for any purpose.” Same-sex marriage is already… Continue reading Similar Unions
Second Thoughts on Civil Unions
First published November 18, 2004, in Between the Lines. Given our losses in the last election — all eleven states with same-sex marriage bans passed them, some by a wide margin — is it time to put aside the marriage fight? You’re probably expecting me to say, “No, of course not!” But I won’t. Let… Continue reading Second Thoughts on Civil Unions