Farewell to Readers

First published at 365gay.com on June 24, 2011 This column marks the end of my weekly contribution to 365gay.com. It’s been a good run, and I wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you and farewell. I’ve been a columnist since 2002, when I started contributing to Between the Lines, Michigan’s LGBT newspaper. Those… Continue reading Farewell to Readers

Anti-Marriage Advocates Have no Case

First published at 365gay.com on June 17, 2011 New York may be on the brink of extending marriage to same-sex couples. As of this writing, the state’s marriage-equality bill appears to be one vote shy of passage. Several state legislators are still undecided. It’s a nail-biter. Which means that our enemies are out in full… Continue reading Anti-Marriage Advocates Have no Case

The Trouble with “Don’t Say Gay”

First published at 365gay.com on May 27, 2011 Not long ago I encountered an old acquaintance while waiting in an airport for a flight. He noticed that I looked tan—I had recently been to Mexico—so we started chatting about vacations. “Have you ever been on a cruise?” he asked. “Not since I was a teenager,”… Continue reading The Trouble with “Don’t Say Gay”

So, you Think I’m a Sell-Out?

First published at 365gay.com on April 29, 2011 In response to my last column [http://www.365gay.com/opinion/corvino-what-the-bible-doesn’t-say/], a reader comments, “I’m sorry, but every time I read anything by Corvino I can’t help but think ‘What a sell-out!’ I personally don’t see him as helping our community at all. He is an apologist and I for one… Continue reading So, you Think I’m a Sell-Out?

Will Gay Marriage Undermine Monogamy?

First published at 365gay.com on March 11, 2011 Recently I received the following inquiry via my website [http://johncorvino.com/]: “As a single older closeted gay man. I don’t understand how we can ask for marriage rights when so many gay couples don’t even understand monogamy. Care to explain?” My first reaction was, “No, not really.” That… Continue reading Will Gay Marriage Undermine Monogamy?

Gay People Have Work to do

First published at 365gay.com on March 4, 2011 Let me begin with a huge Thank You to readers who weighed in thoughtfully on last week’s column [http://www.365gay.com/opinion/corvino-is-it-time-for-the-gay-moralist-to-retire/], which pondered the changing attitudes of audiences at my “Gay Moralist” lectures. Although I have a general policy of not chiming in on the comments thread—partly because of… Continue reading Gay People Have Work to do

Help a Hero

First published at 365gay.com on February 4, 2011 You may not know Frank Kameny’s name. You should. Frank Kameny has sometimes been called the “Rosa Parks” of the LGBT movement. Like most analogies, this one is imperfect. Parks’ civil disobedience was backed by an organized movement; Kameny had to forge a movement. Parks is in… Continue reading Help a Hero

What Marriage Isn’t

First published at 365gay.com on January 21, 2011 The recent Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy article “What is Marriage?” [http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1722155], by Sherif Girgis, Robert George, and Ryan Anderson (hereafter GGA), has received considerable attention—as it should. (Jonathan Rauch’s incisive retort links to much of the discussion; see here: http://igfculturewatch.com/2011/01/12/let-them-eat-friendship-george-et-al/.) That’s because the article… Continue reading What Marriage Isn’t