The Message of Masterpiece

In the Detroit Free Press, John explains the Court’s decision in the Masterpiece Cakeshop case. From the piece:

The case was not “narrowly decided” in the sense of being a close verdict: Indeed, it was a 7-2 decision. But it was “narrowly written,” in the sense of applying only to this particular commission’s treatment of this particular baker in this particular case. It does not decide, one way or another, whether bakers generally have a right to refuse to make wedding cakes for same-sex couples.

John was also asked to share his thoughts with the Christian Science Monitor. He responded:

The decision didn’t settle the hard questions, but it acknowledged that there are indeed hard questions here and that we won’t do a good job of addressing them if we’re too quick to label either side as “despicable.” In doing so, it invited us all to turn down the heat in the culture wars – a result I very much welcome.

Read his further thoughts in his full Freep op-ed here.