John Corvino tells his own coming-out story and explains why he does the work that he does as The Gay Moralist.
Category: What’s Wrong With Homosexuality?
John Corvino responds to common moral and religious arguments against same-sex relationships in this series of short videos based on his book What’s Wrong with Homosexuality?
LGBTQrstuv: Bisexuality & Transgender
Sometimes the “alphabet soup” of LGBTQ etc. can seem confusing. Here John Corvino explains some basic distinctions between sexual orientation and gender identity while making a few observations about bisexuality and transgender.
Homosexuality & the Race Analogy
Many LGBT rights advocates have drawn inspiration from the civil rights movement for African-Americans. In response, social conservatives often object that the analogy is illegitimate, because race is “non-behavioral” whereas homosexuality is a “chosen lifestyle.” Here John Corvino explains why this response misunderstands the nature of racism, the nature of homophobia, and the connections between… Continue reading Homosexuality & the Race Analogy
Born This Way?
John Corvino neither knows nor cares whether he was born gay. In this video he explains how the obsession with “born this way” depends on scientific and moral confusion.
The Purpose of Sex: Masturbation, Aquinas, & New Natural Law
John Corvino discusses the views of the 13th Century philosopher St. Thomas Aquinas and some of his intellectual heirs today—self-styled “new natural lawyers” like Robert George of Princeton—who provide the intellectual basis for much of contemporary social conservative thought.
Anal Sex
John Corvino addresses those who seem to think there’s nothing more to gay sex than anal sex and explains how squeamish visceral reactions can sometimes masquerade as moral judgments.
Risky Lifestyle?
John Corvino responds to those who blame homosexuality for disease, misery, and despair, ultimately turning the tables on those who wield morality as a weapon.
Where Does Morality Come From?
Is it possible to have a foundation for moral beliefs without appealing to Scripture? John Corvino argues that it is, making a plea for humility from all parties in the debate. At the same time, he challenges his fellow liberals to reject the claim that “morality is a private matter.”
Homosexuality & The Bible 2: Sodom and Gomorrah
John Corvino explains the real lessons from the Sodom and Gomorrah story, the Biblical passage perhaps most often cited against homosexual conduct.
Homosexuality & The Bible 1: God Said It, I Believe It, That Settles It
John Corvino discusses some Bible verses from both the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures, explores analogies to slavery and divorce, and points out the inconsistencies of those who cherry-pick the apparently anti-gay parts of the Bible while glossing over other problematic passages.