First published at Between the Lines on December 19, 2002 The ancient Roman Emperor Justinian believed that homosexuality was the cause of earthquakes, plagues, famine, and various other maladies. Modern-day critics have been only slightly less creative in their allegations. Homosexuality has been blamed for the breakdown of the family, the AIDS crisis, sexual abuse… Continue reading Homosexuality and Morality, Part 3: The Harm Arguments
Tag: ethics
Homosexuality and Morality, Part 2: The Bible
First published at Between the Lines on December 12, 2002 MANY PEOPLE claim that homosexuality is wrong because “The Bible says so.” This claim rests on two presuppositions: (1) The Bible condemns homosexual conduct. (2) The Bible is a good moral guide. Each of these raises questions. Regarding the first: does the Bible condemn all… Continue reading Homosexuality and Morality, Part 2: The Bible
Homosexuality and Morality, Part 1: The Essential Question
First published at Between the Lines on November 22, 2002 THE HOLIDAY SEASON is upon us and with it come holiday dinners, which can be hazardous to your health. This is not because the dinners are fattening or because you might choke on the wishbone. It’s because holiday dinners mean extended family gatherings, and your… Continue reading Homosexuality and Morality, Part 1: The Essential Question
Facts, Values, and Nuclear Weapons
First published in the author’s syndicated column on June 27, 2002 Last week I was invited to give a talk on homosexuality at the Lawrence Livermore National Research Laboratory, which is a nuclear weapons research facility just southeast of San Francisco. (Apparently San Francisco has a dearth of experts on homosexuality, so they need to… Continue reading Facts, Values, and Nuclear Weapons
First Gays, Then Polygamists?
First published in “The Harvard Gay and Lesbian Review” on November 30,1999 AN INCREASINGLY COMMON objection to same-sex marriage takes the form of a slippery-slope argument: “If we allow gay marriage, why not polygamy? Or incest? Or bestiality?” This argument is nothing new, having been used against interracial marriage in the 1960’s. But what it… Continue reading First Gays, Then Polygamists?