At the UnMute Podcast, John talked with philosopher Myisha Cherry about homosexuality, “traditional” marriage, religious liberty and discrimination, being out in academia, and more. Listen to the broadcast here.
Tag: coming out
Coming Out Later
My latest at HuffPo, on coming out of the closet a bit later in life: Perhaps the most important lesson is that people come out at all ages….It’s not as if the popularity of Glee means that, from now on, all LGBT folk will come out as teens, surrounded by a supportive, talented and ridiculously… Continue reading Coming Out Later
Should we Care if we Were ‘Born This Way’?
First published at on February 18, 2011 I am about to commit an act of gay heresy. It wouldn’t be my first time. But it is the first time I will be challenging, not just an Article of Faith, but also a High Priestess. I’m referring, of course, to Lady Gaga, whose hit single… Continue reading Should we Care if we Were ‘Born This Way’?
When my Grandfather Learned I was ‘Queer’
First published at on January 14, 2011 A diversity speaker I know (who also happens to be a dear friend) is fond of saying, “People do the best they can with what they have.” When I first heard her say this, my immediate reaction was, “Well, that’s obviously false.” In fact, I still think… Continue reading When my Grandfather Learned I was ‘Queer’
Friendship, Gayness, and Death
First published at on November 12, 2010 When I first acknowledged to myself at 19 that I was gay, there were two friends that I needed to tell right away. I told Scott first. We were fellow candidates with the Capuchin Franciscans, aspiring to be priests. (We continued to affectionately call each other “Brother”… Continue reading Friendship, Gayness, and Death
Bullying, the Blame Game
First published at on October 8, 2010 About twenty-five years ago, my sister (who was then around ten years old) decided one day to practice cartwheels in our modestly-sized suburban living room. Had my parents been around, they would have stopped her. They would have mildly scolded her, and she would have felt mildly… Continue reading Bullying, the Blame Game
Ken Mehlman’s New Beginning?
First published at on August 27, 2010 In some circles, Ken Mehlman’s coming out as gay this week was about as shocking as Rosie O’Donnell’s coming out in 2002, or Ricky Martin’s coming out earlier this year. Others were quite surprised. Still others asked, “Who’s Ken Mehlman?” Answer: Ken Mehlman is, according to the… Continue reading Ken Mehlman’s New Beginning?
Back to School
First published at on August 9, 2010 It’s the first day of class, and I enter my lecture hall as I usually do, skirting the periphery until I reach the door that leads me discreetly backstage. The room is a “teaching theater,” and while I could walk right up to the stage, I’m enough… Continue reading Back to School
What I Learned at Gay Camp
First published at Between the Lines News on August 5, 2010 “Remind me, dear,” I said to my partner Mark on the way to the airport, “what I am absolutely, positively not doing again next year?” “You are not doing Camp next year,” he dutifully replied. We had repeated this dialogue many times in the… Continue reading What I Learned at Gay Camp
The Danger of the Gay Closet
First published at on May 14, 2010 When I was a high school sophomore, one of my classmates had the misfortune of popping an erection in the communal shower after gym class. I doubt “Paul” was gay. Most likely, it was a typical teenage case of Mr. Happy having a mind of its own.… Continue reading The Danger of the Gay Closet