First published at on May 27, 2011 Not long ago I encountered an old acquaintance while waiting in an airport for a flight. He noticed that I looked tan—I had recently been to Mexico—so we started chatting about vacations. “Have you ever been on a cruise?” he asked. “Not since I was a teenager,”… Continue reading The Trouble with “Don’t Say Gay”
Tag: education
Is it Time for the Gay Moralist to Retire?
First published at on February 25, 2011 It is a strange, challenging, and encouraging time for me as the Gay Moralist. For almost nineteen years I have been giving my talk “What’s Morally Wrong with Homosexuality?” at universities around the country. [] I sometimes quip that the talk is old enough to vote, and… Continue reading Is it Time for the Gay Moralist to Retire?
Back to School
First published at on August 9, 2010 It’s the first day of class, and I enter my lecture hall as I usually do, skirting the periphery until I reach the door that leads me discreetly backstage. The room is a “teaching theater,” and while I could walk right up to the stage, I’m enough… Continue reading Back to School
What I Learned at Gay Camp
First published at Between the Lines News on August 5, 2010 “Remind me, dear,” I said to my partner Mark on the way to the airport, “what I am absolutely, positively not doing again next year?” “You are not doing Camp next year,” he dutifully replied. We had repeated this dialogue many times in the… Continue reading What I Learned at Gay Camp
Remembering Prom
First published at on March 26, 2010 Recent reports about students in Mississippi and Georgia seeking to bring same-sex dates to prom stirred memories of my own prom experience. The year was 1987. I was “straight” then—or so I convinced myself. I knew I had “gay feelings” (as I put it), I knew I… Continue reading Remembering Prom
Coming Out at the Border
First published at on March 12, 2010 The border guard didn’t even look up when she asked the question: “Citizenship?” “U.S.” “And why are you in Canada?” I paused. She looked up. I was going to Canada to give a lecture, which would be easy enough to say. But then there would be the… Continue reading Coming Out at the Border
Maine, Detroit and the Closet
First published at on November 9, 2009 When I was a “fag” on the junior high playground, getting punched hurt even when I saw it coming. So too with Maine this past week. Like many, I was dispirited but not surprised when we lost. The rights of minorities (gays especially) generally don’t do well… Continue reading Maine, Detroit and the Closet
The Work Left To Do
First published at on October 30, 2009 Less than a week before the election, polls continue to show close races in both Washington State, where voters may substantially expand domestic-partner legislation, and Maine, where they may rescind marriage-equality. We could win in either state (or both)—but we could lose, too. Win or lose, there’s… Continue reading The Work Left To Do
The Homosexual Agenda
First published at Between the Lines News on October 29, 2009 Dear Parent, Gay-marriage opponents claim that we gay folk are trying to influence your children. In one sense, they are quite right. We are not trying to “recruit” your children, if by that you mean “turn them gay.” As gay people, we understand enough… Continue reading The Homosexual Agenda
Coming Out Advice
First published at on September 25, 2009 One of the best bits of advice I ever received while coming out was from a nun. That’s right—a Catholic nun. Not even a lesbian nun, as far as I can gather. Sr. Julie was one of my theology professors in college, and she was one of… Continue reading Coming Out Advice