First published at on August 21, 2009 A friend writes, “I’m coordinating a safe-space training at [an urban public university]. One participant stated that she felt she was a strong ally, but her religious beliefs dictate that homosexuality is a sin. What should I do? Can I deny her a safe-space sticker, or ask… Continue reading ‘Safe’ Doesn’t Mean ‘Shut Up’
Tag: education
We’ve still got far to go
First published at on July 31, 2009 I’m not usually a touchy-feely, share-your-emotions, “Trust the Process” kind of guy. I’m a philosophy professor. I revel in cold, hard logic. So it was with some trepidation that I signed up as a faculty member for Campus Pride’s annual summer Leadership Camp—which, since it was mostly… Continue reading We’ve still got far to go
That’s How I Was Raised
First published at Between the Lines News on June 11, 2009 A recent New York Times Magazine article spotlighted a shocking vestige of our nation’s racism: segregated proms. It focused on one school in Georgia’s Montgomery County, though the practice is common across the rural South. I say “shocking” even though I personally wasn’t surprised.… Continue reading That’s How I Was Raised
Transgender Day of Visibility
First published at Between the Lines News on April 2, 2009 March 31 is Transgender Day of Visibility. I’m supposed to participate in a panel that day. I’m a bit apprehensive. Like many gay people, I tend to tiptoe around transgender issues. This surprises some straight people I know. They say, “But as a GLBT… Continue reading Transgender Day of Visibility
Diversity and Discrimination
First published at Between The Lines News on February 26, 2009 I’ve been a member of the American Philosophical Association (APA) for about fifteen years. I go to the annual meetings, I get the publications, and I peruse the frightfully scarce listings in “Jobs for Philosophers.” Last week a colleague sent me a petition addressed… Continue reading Diversity and Discrimination
Blaming Larry King?
First published at on August 4, 2008 A recent Newsweek article (“Young, Gay and Murdered”) about Lawrence King—the cross-dressing gay 14-year-old fatally shot by a classmate last February—has prompted many accusations of “blaming the victim.” In it author Ramin Setoodeh asks: How do you protect legitimate, personal expression while preventing inappropriate, sometimes harmful, behavior?… Continue reading Blaming Larry King?
Keep Talking
First published at on April 28, 2008 Back in the old days, there were those who supported gay rights and those who opposed them—vocally. There was also a third group whose opposition was so deep that they objected even to discussing the issue. For them, to debate gay rights would be to dignify depravity,… Continue reading Keep Talking
Gays on the Mezzanine
First published at on February 18, 2008 The late food critic Craig Claiborne used to tell a story of a woman who received a ham but didn’t own a saw. Although she had never cooked a whole ham, she knew that her mother always prepared hams for cooking by sawing off the end, and… Continue reading Gays on the Mezzanine
Bad Science I: Horny, but Not Human
First published at on January 7, 2008 When an article about “fruit flies” popped up on a gay website, at first I thought it was about straight women who gravitate toward gay men. (The other, uglier term for such women is “fag hag.”) Alas, the article was referring to actual insects, the annoying little… Continue reading Bad Science I: Horny, but Not Human
Richardson was Right (Sort Of)
First published at on August 20, 2007 It seemed like a softball question at first. During LOGO’s August 10 gay-rights forum for the Democratic presidential candidates, panelist (and rock star) Melissa Etheridge asked New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, “Do you think homosexuality is a choice, or is it biological?” Richardson, who has a strong… Continue reading Richardson was Right (Sort Of)