On Anal Sex

For me, being gay means that I like guys. It means that I like guys: I have crushes on them, I fall in love with them, I want to “get physical” with them. It doesn’t specify how I should do this. Read the full column at HuffPost.

D’Souza: The Real Problem

My take on the D’Souza affair:

Last week, the conservative luminary Dinesh D’Souza resigned as president of The King’s College, a New York City evangelical school, after it was revealed that he brought his mistress to a Christian conference, apparently shared a room with her, and introduced her as his fiancée — even though he was still married to his wife of 20 years.

Andy Mills, chairman of the college’s Board of Trustees told students, “God has a mighty future for Dinesh, but there are some things he has to go through first” — which is evangelical-speak for “WTF was he thinking?!?”

Read the rest over at HuffPo.

The Trouble with “Don’t Say Gay”

First published at 365gay.com on May 27, 2011 Not long ago I encountered an old acquaintance while waiting in an airport for a flight. He noticed that I looked tan—I had recently been to Mexico—so we started chatting about vacations. “Have you ever been on a cruise?” he asked. “Not since I was a teenager,”… Continue reading The Trouble with “Don’t Say Gay”

Is There One ‘Real’ Kind of Gay Sex?

First published at 365gay.com on April 8, 2011 This column is about anal sex. So if you don’t like reading about such things, stop reading now. Many years ago I lived next door to a young born-again-Christian rock singer. (He probably would dislike reading about anal sex. Glad you’re still here, though.) While Jason strongly… Continue reading Is There One ‘Real’ Kind of Gay Sex?

Are we Defined by our Sexuality?

First published at 365gay.com on March 18, 2011 Why does “love the sinner; hate the sin” ring so hollow in the gay-rights debate? One reason, as I’ve argued before [http://www.365gay.com/opinion/corvino-why-%E2%80%9Clove-the-sinner%E2%80%9D-rings-hollow/], is that part of loving the “sinner” is making an effort to understand him—something our opponents seldom do. If they did make that effort, it… Continue reading Are we Defined by our Sexuality?

Will Gay Marriage Undermine Monogamy?

First published at 365gay.com on March 11, 2011 Recently I received the following inquiry via my website [http://johncorvino.com/]: “As a single older closeted gay man. I don’t understand how we can ask for marriage rights when so many gay couples don’t even understand monogamy. Care to explain?” My first reaction was, “No, not really.” That… Continue reading Will Gay Marriage Undermine Monogamy?

What do We do With Evangelicals Who ‘Want to Help’?

First published at 365gay.com on October 29, 2010 I’ve been engaging in quite a bit of dialogue lately with conservative Christians. It usually involves their asking me a question along the following lines: “Look, we feel awful about the recent reports of gay teen suicides. We believe each of these kids is a child of… Continue reading What do We do With Evangelicals Who ‘Want to Help’?

Why Aren’t We Talking More About HIV?

First published at 365gay.com on October 1, 2010 You may have seen last week’s Washington Post headline, “Study puts HIV rate among gay men at 1 in 5.” [http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/09/23/AR2010092306828.html] And the story starts off grim: “One in five gay men in the United States has HIV, and almost half of those who carry the virus… Continue reading Why Aren’t We Talking More About HIV?

The Invention of Marriage

First published at 365gay.com on September 24, 2010 Once upon a time, in a land far away, a Council of Elders convened to ponder the challenges of human relationships. Noticing that male-female relationships frequently involve sex, and that sex often makes babies, this “Relationship Council” decided that an institution was needed to regulate adults’ behavior… Continue reading The Invention of Marriage

Taking on the New Argument Against Gay Marriage

First published at 365gay.com on August 20, 2010 Ross Douthat’s recent New York Times op-ed [http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/09/opinion/09douthat.html?_r=1&ref=rossdouthat] against marriage equality is notable for many things, not least its frank rejection of some standard bad arguments against same-sex marriage. Douthat denies that marriage “has always been defined as the union of one man and one woman” and… Continue reading Taking on the New Argument Against Gay Marriage