So, you Think I’m a Sell-Out?

First published at on April 29, 2011 In response to my last column [’t-say/], a reader comments, “I’m sorry, but every time I read anything by Corvino I can’t help but think ‘What a sell-out!’ I personally don’t see him as helping our community at all. He is an apologist and I for one… Continue reading So, you Think I’m a Sell-Out?

The Meaning of Transgender

First published at on April 15, 2011 A friend recently asked, “Do you ever have doubts about the whole transgender thing?” My friend has a habit of referring to anything she hasn’t wrapped her mind around as a “thing,” which has the unfortunate effect of making whatever it is sound like a trend or… Continue reading The Meaning of Transgender

Gay People Have Work to do

First published at on March 4, 2011 Let me begin with a huge Thank You to readers who weighed in thoughtfully on last week’s column [], which pondered the changing attitudes of audiences at my “Gay Moralist” lectures. Although I have a general policy of not chiming in on the comments thread—partly because of… Continue reading Gay People Have Work to do

Is it Time for the Gay Moralist to Retire?

First published at on February 25, 2011 It is a strange, challenging, and encouraging time for me as the Gay Moralist. For almost nineteen years I have been giving my talk “What’s Morally Wrong with Homosexuality?” at universities around the country. [] I sometimes quip that the talk is old enough to vote, and… Continue reading Is it Time for the Gay Moralist to Retire?

Help a Hero

First published at on February 4, 2011 You may not know Frank Kameny’s name. You should. Frank Kameny has sometimes been called the “Rosa Parks” of the LGBT movement. Like most analogies, this one is imperfect. Parks’ civil disobedience was backed by an organized movement; Kameny had to forge a movement. Parks is in… Continue reading Help a Hero