First published at on March 18, 2011 Why does “love the sinner; hate the sin” ring so hollow in the gay-rights debate? One reason, as I’ve argued before [], is that part of loving the “sinner” is making an effort to understand him—something our opponents seldom do. If they did make that effort, it… Continue reading Are we Defined by our Sexuality?
Tag: family and relationships
Will Gay Marriage Undermine Monogamy?
First published at on March 11, 2011 Recently I received the following inquiry via my website []: “As a single older closeted gay man. I don’t understand how we can ask for marriage rights when so many gay couples don’t even understand monogamy. Care to explain?” My first reaction was, “No, not really.” That… Continue reading Will Gay Marriage Undermine Monogamy?
Love, Partnership, and Valentine’s Day
First published at on February 11, 2011 When I floated the idea of writing a Valentine’s Day column, my friends’ reactions ran the gamut—from suggestions for themes (“Talk about what makes a successful relationship!”) to wariness (“Are you sure you want to reinforce this Hallmark holiday?”) to sheer disgust. (“Ugh. Please don’t.”) Either because… Continue reading Love, Partnership, and Valentine’s Day
When my Grandfather Learned I was ‘Queer’
First published at on January 14, 2011 A diversity speaker I know (who also happens to be a dear friend) is fond of saying, “People do the best they can with what they have.” When I first heard her say this, my immediate reaction was, “Well, that’s obviously false.” In fact, I still think… Continue reading When my Grandfather Learned I was ‘Queer’
New Year, New Family
First published at on January 7, 2011 This is my first column after a month’s hiatus. I want to begin by thanking Chase Whiteside, who filled in for me while I was gone. Chase has a knack for keeping the big picture in sight while keenly highlighting details. I look forward to his future… Continue reading New Year, New Family
Friendship, Gayness, and Death
First published at on November 12, 2010 When I first acknowledged to myself at 19 that I was gay, there were two friends that I needed to tell right away. I told Scott first. We were fellow candidates with the Capuchin Franciscans, aspiring to be priests. (We continued to affectionately call each other “Brother”… Continue reading Friendship, Gayness, and Death
What do We do With Evangelicals Who ‘Want to Help’?
First published at on October 29, 2010 I’ve been engaging in quite a bit of dialogue lately with conservative Christians. It usually involves their asking me a question along the following lines: “Look, we feel awful about the recent reports of gay teen suicides. We believe each of these kids is a child of… Continue reading What do We do With Evangelicals Who ‘Want to Help’?
Bullying, the Blame Game
First published at on October 8, 2010 About twenty-five years ago, my sister (who was then around ten years old) decided one day to practice cartwheels in our modestly-sized suburban living room. Had my parents been around, they would have stopped her. They would have mildly scolded her, and she would have felt mildly… Continue reading Bullying, the Blame Game
The Invention of Marriage
First published at on September 24, 2010 Once upon a time, in a land far away, a Council of Elders convened to ponder the challenges of human relationships. Noticing that male-female relationships frequently involve sex, and that sex often makes babies, this “Relationship Council” decided that an institution was needed to regulate adults’ behavior… Continue reading The Invention of Marriage
Gay Marriage, Straight Marriage and La Difference
First published at on September 17, 2010 Some weeks ago I wrote a piece [] responding to a Ross Douthat column which draws on the celibate lesbian author Eve Tushnet. Tushnet had written, “If you have a unisex model of marriage, which is what gay marriage requires, you are no longer able to talk… Continue reading Gay Marriage, Straight Marriage and La Difference